Sascha Andres


Sascha Andres might be a renowned Los Angeles hairstylist by day but she lets her voice take over at night as she works out new songs on her guitar. With a voice like no other and lyrics too raw and honest to ignore, Sascha is a name you will want to remember. Growing up surrounded by music, she developed a deep fixation for melodies, writing songs from the age of 10.

“I just want to be a girl singing about a girl ” Sascha aims to color outside the lines of genre, mixing styles, and existing outside the box with inspiration ranging from Jeff Buckley, to Madonna to Bon Iver. Spend only two minutes on the internet and you will find yourself mesmerized and inspired whether Sascha is on the piano or electric guitar. The world has been waiting for Sascha and Lauretta Records is proud to share the stage.




Photos by Karen Hernandez